Why You Should Have Your Company's Pressure Gauges Custom Made

If you work in an industry that involves a lot of precise equipment and machinery, then chances are you have a few different pressure gauges across your properties. You may even have custom-made machinery that fulfils a very specific purpose that no other company in your area does. If that is the case, or even if you run quite regular equipment that still involves pressure gauges, then you should consider getting these helpful indicators custom-made to make your life a lot easier.

Here are a few reasons why custom-made pressure gauges are simply better than mass-produced options.

Specific Scales

Depending on what type of machinery, equipment or industrial-sized appliances you have, you may need specific scales on your pressure gauge. These scales might be only useful for your exact equipment, which means no mass-produced pressure gauges would actually work as well as you want, and if you went down that route you would have to use a lot of guesswork when reading it. Getting your pressure gauges custom-made means you only need a quick glance at them to get the full amount of information you need every single time you need it, which is helpful for both experts and novices alike.

Company Logo 

One of the less utilitarian but still important reasons to get your pressure gauges custom-made is so that you can put your own logo on the dial. It doesn't have to be loud and obtrusive, but having the logo there, in the background, allows every client or person who walks through your doors to know exactly who is behind this operation. If you sell equipment with pressure gauges included, then branding them with your logo becomes even more important and you should absolutely invest in getting them custom-made, rather than using a generic blank dial with minimal markings. 

Warning Zones

Your equipment might also have specific amounts of pressure that it needs to be careful of reaching, which can be identified through warning zones on the pressure gauge itself. While mass-produced pressure gauges sometimes come with these coloured zones indicating high pressure, they are not as accurate as you would want them to be. After all, if your machinery is custom-built, then you need a custom-built pressure gauge to correctly identify the warning zones. You can also have multiple warning zones indicating approaching a dangerous pressure, as well as the actual zone in which you need to act immediately or risk equipment failure or injury. 

Contact a company like Les Cooke Instrument Co Pty Ltd to learn more about custom pressure gauges.
